Friday, November 6, 2009

Push The Freakin Button Pro Crack Serial What Are Your "OCD" Habits????? Here Are Mine.......===================…

What are your "OCD" habits????? Here are mine.......===================… - push the freakin button pro crack serial

I know I have OCD ... but make sure envy you.

Some of my habits of foreign control the clock about 10 times to sleep before. I think it started when I was almost late for class because I set my alarm at night to remember before, but never leave. It seems to be in the middle of the night. So, now ... I have all these "constraints" with my alarm clock.

Whenever I go to my kitchen or in my kitchen, I have to check whether the stove and oven are turned off. This was probably 10-20 times per day. The same with the front door.

I am sure that my doors are locked. I press the lock button on my key like 3 times to ensure that it is locked. I swear, I think I'll break the Lock button at the end of the Freakin '. Then, every time I go to the store or wherever I go, I sometimes get back and check whether it is really closed. I would ask the person whether I am determined.

Si I do not believe me ... : /


Zippy said...

Do not touch public doorknobs and elevator buttons with their hands

I do not know if it's OCD ....
More germophobic

When I was in my car, I close the door .... I re-lock again probably 5-6 to ensure their way to work, only to discover that they actually did not steal Block ()

Thumper said...

wash my hands. I wash my hands the whole time, you always seem dirty to me

♥Puppy Toes said...

Yes - I feel like that sometimes. I wash my hands often and every time (and I mean every time) my car I make sure my keys! This is mainly because I only use one key, and I know it will cost $ 100.

Celebrity girl said...

Cracking toes.

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