Saturday, January 2, 2010

Disposable Makeup Brushes In Doing Clients Makeup, Would Buying Brushes And Cleaner Be A Money Saver Over Time Over Disposable?

In doing clients makeup, would buying brushes and cleaner be a money saver over time over disposable? - disposable makeup brushes

I've been thinking about that lately, it would be better in my wallet and the environment, if only I needed a good brush. What do you think?


audri said...

invest in the best 2 or 3 sets of some quality brushes ... Disposable cosmetic instruments are often of poor quality (and thereby raise the capability to be expected later.) And clients in the rule that the best is not it? have only bought to play a set of tools to be very good if the use of after ... You can set aside for later cleaning and present a new law in their hands. (with perhaps the weekend, the seal or the hand clean when you are very busy with customers.)

You have put your money in a quality wash and say 2 or 3 sets of quality brushes and should not be a problem of "rotation" in such a way so that their customers the security and beauty makeup.

(and maybe a couple of brushes can be purchased separately to save money ... and fill up the things like foundations and corners sponge ... These are things that the fastest and be contaminated ... a tip, ELF Brushes for an incredible $ 1 ... you can offer ultra-wide who do not love you.)

Best of luck, doll.

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